Steelmakers are the optimal choice in building construction light steel solutions.

Steelmakers light steel design-to-installation solutions include the traditional light steel rollformed products and our innovative range of steel frame solutions; OptitrussTM, OptifloorTM  and OptiwallTM  , which are proving a game-changer in the industry.

We are focussed on our client’s objectives, supporting them with innovative building products that ultimately save them, and the homeowner, time and money through value-added light steel building solutions.

Our experience over 15 years, range of pre-engineered framing solutions and honest approach, sets us apart from other rollformers.

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Made from TRUECORE® steel

Straight and true
No warping or twisting over time
Won’t catch fire
May help you achieve the standards required for building in even the most severely rated flame zone
TRUECORE® steel warranty
Warranty up to 50 years for eligible applicants.
Termite proof
Insecticide-free and with Activate® technology for enhanced corrosion resistance
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